Debate? Really?

The newspaper this morning had a headline that said “Gun Debate Continues.”

Really, I thought, debate? Does anyone really think we have an actual debate in this country over anything? It’s really more of a mutual shouting match.  In fact it’s more of mutual and uncoordinated shrieking.

Proponents of stricter gun laws trot out some kids, or former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, to raise the emotional component, and the opponents scream about confiscation of guns and revisiting 1776 to stoke fear. Where is the debate in that?

For the most part I have heard very little hard data, or thoughtful historical analysis. It is all emotion, all the time. And it is not a debate by a long shot.   

Author: Mike

I am a patent attorney in Lexington, Kentucky. My law firm web site is I ran for State Representative in 2010 and lost in the primary. Many of these posts are based on writing that I did for that election. Rather than delete it all, I decided to dump it onto the internet.

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